BLUE/ORANGE is playing through April 16th
Fenix Theatre Collaborative would like to introduce itself to you - or actually reintroduce itself. Formerly the known as "The Eastern", the company has been reborn during the pandemic. Stephen Schmitz, Artistic Director and Vision Curator for Fenix talks about what to expect from Fenix, making theatre accessible, and their first show BLUE/ORANGE which is playing through April 16th.
Stephen Schmitz says that he along with other Fenix Theatre Collaborativeteam, Justin Allen Slagle, and Rhiannon McAfee all have deep connections to San Diego and a shared love of theatre. Originally, the company "The Eastern" had a focus on producing theatre in the East County. Sadly the lack of theatre space in the East County meant their name was potentially more confusing than helpful. After the pandemic they decided to refocus on what they wanted their theatre company to become, and the Fenix was born.
"The pandemic gave us some time to re-think what our mission should be. (I think all theatre companies reflected during that period. Why do we do the things we do? What about the theatrical "model" can change?) A sort of recurring mantra came about from our thinking about ourselves: "Are we creating space? Are we creating access? Are we creating opportunities?" So we started again.
Within that reinvention came the idea that we should be constantly reinventing ourselves, not just this once. To rebirth ourselves and experiment with what we've learned and gained after every show, forever. So: Fenix. Spelled that way as both a nod to Spanish speaking roots and place names of San Diego, and because, well, we are very much not located in Phoenix."
They decided that BLUE/ORANGE, directed by Kian Kline-Chilton, was the right show for their debut as Fenix Theatre Collaborative..
"BLUE/ORANGE has a lot going for it that fits what we're capable of doing with our extremely limited resources. It has a small cast, and its set, lighting, and sound requirements can be smaller in scale while still providing room for broad creativity. But, most importantly, its themes penetrating power structure, race, culture, and mental illness are still quite relevant. Kian and I had a conversation about the play, and when he mentioned that it was a play already on his radar, and that he had an interest in doing it someday, I immediately said, "Awesome, wanna direct it for us?"
Kline-Chilton has been interviewed by Broadway World before for other works, including during the pandemic. According to Schmitz, we are now added to "Big Fan of Kian Kline-Chilton" Fanclub along with the rest of Fenix Theatre Collaborative's management team.
"Kian Kline-Chilton is smart, creative, sweet, humble, empathetic, and commanding when he needs to be. We have in no way provided him with the resources he deserves. In spite of that (or perhaps because of that), he's managed to learn, develop, and grow as a director, which really is the point of our operation. He has a home here as long as he wants. "
Fenix Theatre Collaborative is committed to making theatre that is impactful and is accessible to everyone, providing access to tickets with no judgement.
"For this show, and hopefully for more shows in the future, we are experimenting with a wholesale "Pay-What-You-Can" ticket model. For all seats, all shows, audience members input their own price. No judgement. Hopefully everyone treats this model with respect and self-reflection, but also doesn't allow price to prevent them from coming down and checking us out!"
To get more information on Fenix Theatre Collaborative or to become a subscriber or donor please go to
BLUE/ORANGE is playing through April 16th, 2022. For ticket and showtime information go to
Photo Credit: Kian Kline-Chilton, Fenix Theatre Collaborative