Shohreh Aghdashloo is an Oscar nominated actress who has played a wide range of characters in theatre, on film, and on television. Currently she can be found in Syfy's television "The Expanse" as a Machiavellian politician who comes from a long line of political family who never once had to win an election. Before the second season premieres on February 1st, here's what Shohreh was able to share about what to expect from this character in the new season.
At its core, this show is a police and political space myserty on an operatic scale for drama; which makes her character of UN executive Chrisjen Avasarala a key player. Yet it was the time setting up the characters last season that will make this second season an even richer experience.
I love about the second season is that the first was about introducing these characters deeply.
Usually, in this genre and science fiction we don't see elaboration on characters. We see characters and then this character goes off to do their job. But 'The Expanse' took almost 10 episodes to introduce each and every character with full dimension, so this season is about interaction. As a result many things change, interactions become politics."
Shohreh also notes that this character is on the darker side, but then again how could she not be?
"Have you seen anyone in politics who is not dark? How could you not be dark watching all of these injustices going on and thinking that you can't do anything about it? It makes you very dark. She's coming from a family who have all been politicians who have lost their lives to protect earth. What she's gone through has made her character and her personality what it is."
One thing that her character understands very well and something that the audience enjoys very much is the impressive array of power outfits and costuming that sets her character apart from others in a powerful way. Shohreh says it is a fun departure from her real life.
"Honestly, it's interesting. I'm a tomboy, in real life I don't wear a lot of makeup, and I'm always in jeans and my tshirts. In this one it gives me a chance to become a woman, and they keep adding to it. I have more jewels, they were putting more and more chains and it was looking better and better.
I enjoy it a lot. Our designer John Andrews does such a great job. What's amazing is that it is always a different outfit. If it is a sari or a kimono it is always a different outfit. It helps with the characters as she is very meticulous with her look as much as she is with politics."
Look for more political intrigue, space ships, and stunts in the second seasons premiere on the Syfy channel on February 1st at 10pm. For more information or to catch up on past episodes go to
Photo credit: Syfy Network