In a small border town, young Alicia comes home from college with a "friend" for her family to meet. The trouble begins when her loving grandma (Kika) and well-intentioned yet nosy aunts assume that Alicia is bringing home a boyfriend or fiancé. Alicia, wanting her family's acceptance and fearing ancient Mexican magic, turns to her three fairy-drag-queen friends for guidance.
The Cellar Theater at The Public Theater of San Antonio, in Collaboration with Teatro Audaz. Aye,No! runs August 10th - August 26th in the Cellar Theater. For more information, visit our website at
Cast: Alicia - Miranda Valdez Kika - Jaime Gonzalez Mague - Nora Moreno-Jarrell Maria - Brizzo Torres Kathy - Karlyn Buchaus Joe - Ivan Ortega Zereda - Louie Canales Starlinda - Christian Gomez Starkisha - Ray Seams
Director - Laura T. Garza. Choreographer - Courtnie Mercer. Stage Manager - AnaLisa Leos-Garcia
Aye, No! By Liz Coronado-Castillo runs August 10th - August 26th in the Cellar Theater. For more information, visit our website at