The global sensation The Very Hungry Caterpillar Show, created by Jonathan Rockefeller, has performed over 2,000 shows worldwide including sold out shows in Australia, New York, United Kingdom, Dubai, New Zealand, Canada, Belgium, Luxemburg, Netherlands. Now presented by THE MAGIK THEATRE, it will play at the Charline McCombs Empire Theatre (226 N. St. Mary's St.) in San Antonio, TX for a special engagement on August 9 - 17, 2019. Tickets are on sale now!
Tickets ($15.00 - $30.00) are available In Person at the Majestic Theatre Box Office, online at, or charge by phone at 800.982.2787. All tickets subject to applicable service charges and fees.
A theatrical recreation of Eric Carle's beautifully imaginative stories, The Very Hungry Caterpillar Show features a menagerie of enchanting puppets during a magical 60-minute show that faithfully adapts four of Eric Carle's beloved books for the stage. New York is currently the only venue that features the new edition of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, which includes the World Premiere of Brown Bear, Brown Bear celebrating its 50th Anniversary, 10 Little Rubber Ducks, The Very Lonely Firefly and, of course, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
"I hope the performances will be enjoyed by many and that the colorful characters will bring comfort and joy to all who see the stories that have been so carefully produced. It is uplifting to see such beautiful and cheerful works inspired by my characters! I hope my books - and this show - will inspire you and your imagination, " said Eric Carle.
"The response to The Very Hungry Caterpillar Show has been incredible and has exceeded our expectations. We are thrilled that so many children are experiencing the magic of theatre for the very first time - with a character they all grew up with." - The Very Hungry Caterpillar Show Creator/ Director, Jonathan Rockefeller.
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