"D.O.A.: A Noir Musical" is a musical comedy about death. Originally, D.O.A. was a classic, 1950 film noir about a man, Frank Bigelow, who is poisoned and has 48 hours to live. He spends his last hours trying to find his murderer: femme fatales, brutish henchmen, shady accountants, and mysterious gang leaders all figure into the twisted plot.
D.O.A.: A Noir Musical will take the original public domain movie and turn it inside out, featuring new jazz and blues songs by composer Jaime Ramirez. This new stage adaptation will be a fast-paced, comic thriller with original music played by a great live band!Cast: A cast of 8 will be needed. All must be great singers and have good comic timing.
Frank Bigelow (male lead) - Late 20's - early 40's
Paula Gibson (female lead) - Late 20's - 30's
Ensemble - 3 women and 3 men to play about 40 other characters. 20's - early 50's.
Audition Dates: Sunday, July 10, 8-10 pm, and Monday, July 11, 7-10 pm. Auditions will consist of a 1-2 minute song, either sheet music or CD/mp3 and a 1-minute monologue (comedic or dramatic). Auditioners may be asked to read sides or sing a song from the show. Come prepared to move and dance too. Please have a headshot and theatre resume to give to the director.
Callbacks: Monday, July 25, 7-10 pm.
Showdates: September 30 - October 29, 2011. 8 pm Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays. No show on First Friday, October 7.
Location and Information: The Overtime Theater, 1414 S. Alamo, #103, in the Blue Star Art Complex, San Antonio, TX 78210. www.theovertimetheater.org, info@theovertimetheater.org.