The Firebugs is a dark comedy by Swiss playwright Max Frisch. Gottlieb Biedermann, a cautious German businessman, discovers that the two men who have entered his home disguised as salesmen are the arsonists who have already burned down much of the town. He and his wife, concerned only with saving themselves and their home, lodge them, feed them a sumptuous dinner, and provide them with all the matches they can possibly use -- all of which serves only to postpone the inevitable holocaust.
Biedermann: "I'm a free citizen. I can think anything I like. I have the right not to think at all if I feel like it!"
SHOW DATES: October 12-28
SHOW TIMES: Performances are Friday & Saturday at 8:00 PM and Sunday at 3:00 PM- Student Performance is October 18 at 7:00 PM.
LOCATION: All Performances are at the Sterling Houston Theatre at Jump-Start, 108 Blue Star in the Blue Star Arts Complex, 1400 S. Alamo. The theater is handicap accessible…please call 210-589-8450 for special arrangements.
TICKETS: $25 for General Admission; $20 for Seniors (+65), SATCO, ATAC, MIL w/ID; $10 for Full time students with ID. For group rates please call 210-589-8450. For tickets call 1-800-838-3006 (There is no charge for using our ticket service!!) Or go to and click on “Buy Tickets”.