The Little Mermaid, directed by Jason Mosher, runs for a month at the Woodlawn Theatre from June 24th to July 24th. Set under and above the high seas, The Little Mermaid tells the story of Ariel, an adventurous young mermaid who's got a thing for disobeying the rules and following her heart. Ariel's fascination with the human world often leads her to the sea surface, a zone that's designated as "off-limits" by her father Triton, the sea king. One day while sneaking to the surface, Ariel witnesses a shipwreck and rescues Prince Eric, with whom she become instantly smitten. Furious at Triton's inability to understand her love for the prince, Ariel runs away and strikes a deal with Ursula, Triton's evil witch of a sister, to experience the life she dreams of on land.