Utah Symphony and Music Director Thierry Fischer announced a new Education Outreach program, "Adopt A School," that highlights the importance of classical music for high school students, culminating with an opportunity for all high school musicians state-wide to join a "SuperOrchestra" conducted simultaneously via live stream by Maestro Fischer in May. For more information visit http://utahsymphony.org/education/teachers/adopt-a-school/
The Adopt A School program brings high school orchestra students into direct tutelage with Thierry Fischer in an opportunity designed to engage them and inspire their continued musical path. "Our goal is to raise a broad awareness that, in addition to superb concerts on weekends in Abravanel Hall, the Utah Symphony is incredibly active in providing music education programs for students in our statewide community," said Utah Symphony | Utah Opera Education and Community Outreach Director Paula Fowler. "We want to create support and encouragement from Utah Symphony and its Music Director for classical music education in schools. We hope high school orchestras across the state will start rehearsing the same piece now, and make plans to play along with us in a statewide Super Orchestra the morning of May 20."
The school chosen for this year's Adopt A School program is Cottonwood High School. Each year, more than 100 Cottonwood orchestra students attend several Utah Symphony masterworks concerts each year with their music teacher Amber Tuckness.
"We are honored to be chosen by Utah Symphony to be directed by and to learn from Maestro Fischer as musicians, and be a part of Utah Symphony's new Adopt A School program that inspires high school music students' passion for classical music," said Ms Tuckness. "Our student orchestra musicians get to attend Utah Symphony concerts numerous times in a year at Abravanel Hall, now it is our chance to create the music through their commitment to educational outreach. It will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for our students to work side by side with a professional music director."
This unique project will draw attention to the Utah Symphony's devotion to music education. Supported in part by legislative funding, the Utah Symphony performs approximately 60 concerts for students each season; more than 70,000 Utah students each year get the opportunity to hear the Utah Symphony live in their schools or in Abravanel Hall. The orchestra also offers family concerts, provides young musicians with professional performing opportunities, and features programs for special population audiences.
At a preliminary meet and greet with the Cottonwood High School orchestra students in October, Maestro Fischer described a "transcendent feeling" when he first played a recorder, and in years following, as he trained to become a professional flute player. Describing music as an "invisible energy," he spoke with a rapt room filled with 100 orchestra students about how it has the ability to transform your life through the impact it has on your soul. "I can only encourage you to continue to study music and work with your instruments. Learn about the notion of effort and discipline," Maestro Fischer told the students, many of them nodding in agreement. "Studying music is not easy, but to be honest, what is easy in life? Mastering a sport is the same. If you want to run faster than your friend you have to train."
As part of the program, Maestro Fischer will work with the students in an orchestra class setting in TWO teaching opportunities at the school on January 29 and March 14 to prepare Berceuse and Finale from Stravinsky's "The Firebird Suite" which he will conduct on May 20, 2019 at Cottonwood High School.
"What I love about music is you practice something invisible.... You see your instrument but your instrument without your effort doesn't produce anything. As you cannot see what you produce, all you can do is listen," said Maestro Fischer. "You start feeling that invisible energy that I like to compare to wind. You go outside and because the wind is touching your face, you smile differently, you look differently. And when you go inside you are different because you had this invisible energy touching your soul."
Occurring concurrently is an invitation to other Utah high school orchestra clubs to learn Stravinsky's Berceuse and Finale, and join in a final "Super Orchestra" performance conducted on May 20, 2019 by Thierry Fischer live at Cottonwood High School and broadcasted via the Utah Symphony's Facebook Live to classrooms throughout the state.
High school music clubs may reach out to Paula Fowler to be involved in the "Super Orchestra" performance conducted by Maestro Fischer. pfowler@usuo.org or 801-869-9090.