Hot on the heels of the new film release, The Ziegfeld Theater presents the stage adaptation of the beloved animated classic, Disney's Beauty and the Beast. In this theatrical telling, the movie score by Alan Menken, Howard Ashman and Tim Rice is expanded with soaring new melodies sure to enchant audiences of all ages. It's everything to love about the film and more in a stage spectacular.
The independent Belle, trapped in her provincial town, finds her life turned upside down as she takes her father's place as a captive in an enchanted castle ruled by an angry Beast. With help from the creatures in the castle and her own kindheartedness, Belle finds the prince inside the Beast and works to break the magic that permeates the mysterious castle and all of its inhabitants.
Disney's Beauty and the Beast is directed by Morgan Parry, music directed by Jamie Balaich, and choreographed by Kacee Neff.
The Ziegfeld Theater continues its fifth season in 2017 with an adaptation of a beloved Disney animated film. Under the executive leadership of Caleb and Morgan Parry and the artistic leadership of Rick Rea, the theater pursues a mission of "Professional Standard, Community Spirit" as it strives to bring quality entertainment to diverse audiences in Northern Utah.
The opening Parisian-inspired gala and performance is Friday, April 14 at 7:30 p.m. Regular performances are 7:30 p.m. every Friday and Saturday, adding 7:30 p.m. Monday performances on May 8 and 15 as well as 2:00 p.m. Saturday matinees May 6 and 13.
Box Office: 855-ZIG-ARTS or
Tickets: $17 for children, students and seniors and $19 for adults if purchased online. Tickets no longer available online at 6:30 p.m. the night of the performance (1:00 p.m. for matinees). All tickets are $1 more if purchased at the door.