SCERA's Puppet Shop announces the first puppet show of the new season featuring a brand new group, Paradise Puppetworks, and their 45-minute show called "Redbeard's Treasure."
The puppet show will be today, September 19 at 11:00am at SCERA Center for the Arts, 745 South State, Orem. General admission tickets are $3/person (ages 3 and older) and are available at SCERA, open 10am-6pm weekdays and Saturdays from 12Noon-6pm, by calling (801) 225-ARTS, online at, or at the door 30 minutes prior to the show.
Paradise Puppetworks presents an interactive puppet show that is a true pirate adventure, where the audiences helps solve clues, and help Redbeard find and recover the lost treasure!
Located in the beautiful little community of Paradise in northern Utah, founder Carla Schultz always dreamed of having a family puppet troupe, but it was not to be until the house was back to just she and her husband Paul. As their children grew up they did not always share her love for the art of puppetry - it wasn't "cool" and none of their friends' houses were filled with totes of puppet heads, hands, and feet, and other "stuff" saved to be recycled into puppet shows! However, now that their kids are grown, raising kids of their own, the Schultz' often get them to help when an extra pair of hands and/or voices are needed. And now, they have grandchildren who think puppets are the "coolest." Marionettes are the Shultz's first love and although she has many other types of puppets, Carla's favorite shows are all marionettes.
SCERA's Puppet Shop hosts a new puppet show the third Saturday of each month, and upcoming shows will be held on October 17, November 21, December 19, January 16. February 20, March 19 and April 16.
Nat Reed, SCERA's Technical Director, who is a puppeteer himself and teaches puppetry at BYU and SCERA, is in charge of bringing the art of puppetry to SCERA audiences. "It's fun for the whole family," he says, "and you get to see some of the best puppeteers in the area."