Following a successful run of the world premiere of "The Actors" as its inaugural production, The Hive Collaborative is presenting yet another world premiere, "The Bookbinder's Tale" by Bo Wilson, a Virginia-based playwright. The play runs through Oct. 27, 2018 at The Hive Collaborative's new theater in Provo.
"We were naturally concerned with our first play that the combination of new theater and new play might make finding an audience difficult, but by the end of the four-week run, we were playing to full houses," said Dennis Agle, co-producer of The Hive Collaborative. "Now, we're starting over again, but we were encouraged by the local community's support of our first play, and we hope they will find that we have found yet another gem in 'The Bookbinder's Tale.'"
The new play is a story that travels in and out of its three characters' fables as seen through one another's eyes. The romantic fable is directed by Diedra Celeste Miranda and features a three-person cast: Mariah Bowles, Jonathan Fifield, and Benjamin Hyde. The play was one of nearly 300 submissions the theater received in an open call earlier this year.
Bo Wilson is an award-winning playwright. A graduate of Virginia Tech and the National Theatre Institute, his plays have won numerous national awards and have been produced across the country and internationally. His work has been published by Dramatic Publishing, Samuel French, and Algonquin Press. This will be the first staged production of "The Bookbinder's Tale."
"The Bookbinder's Tale" will be presented on Thursdays through Saturdays at 7:30 pm through Oct. 27. Ticket prices range from $12 to $15. The Hive Collaborative's theater is located at 591 S. 300 West, Provo, Utah 84601. More details are available at