In the sleepy border town of West Wendover, an evil lurks: Goldilocks Capone, an aging former child star-turned-gangster wants to legalize gambling in Utah. Desert Star Playhouse presents "Goldilocks Capone and the 3 Amigos," a hilarious new musical comedy for the whole family opening June 16.
In the 1950's, Goldilocks want to force farmer Rico Del Taco to sell his ranch, which has the only source of water for the town of East Wendover. Once Goldilocks controls the water, she will control the town. Rico's beautiful daughter Chalupa sets out across Utah's West Desert in search of fearless heroes who will stand up to Goldilocks Capone. What she finds are The Three Amigos: Deseret Jim, Catastrophe Jane, and Rusty Spur, a trio of washed-up actors on their way to Murray, Utah for the grand opening of the world's first Kentucky Fried Chicken. It'll be up to these has-been TV stars to rescue Chalupa, save the Del Taco Ranch, and stop Goldilocks from destroying the wholesome Utah way of life! Don't miss all the action, romance, and side-splitting humor you've come to love at the Desert Star Playhouse!
Photo Credit: Chad Whitlock for Desert Star Playhouse