"Two households, both alike in dignity.... "
Shakespeare experts and novices alike recognize these iconic opening lines. What might not be as easily recognizable are the modern additions to this classic story! On Pitch Performing Arts has stayed true to its mission statement of "...educating, entertaining, and inspiring our community through the arts..." even during this time of social distancing. Their production of "Romeo and Juliet" reflects that commitment. The modern day setting of the production now reflects our current pandemic experience- complete with Zoom calls and cloth masks!
"This show really took on a life of its own the past few months. " said director Rachel Holdaway. "We've dealt with online rehearsals, cast changes, and a ton of curveballs thrown at us. I'm excited to share what we've been able to create."
OPPA! is also living up to its motto "Community Matters" by donating ticket sales from "Romeo and Juliet" to the Ronald McDonald House.
"Romeo and Juliet" follows an age-old vendetta between two powerful families which erupts into bloodshed. When two teenagers from the feuding families meet, a crisis builds that ultimately changes everyone involved.
The show is available for streaming by ticket holders May 15th-23rd. Ticket holders will receive an emailed link the night of their performance before the show becomes available at 7:30pm. The link will remain valid until midnight. Show run time is approximately two hours.
For more information, to purchase tickets, or to see upcoming shows and auditions, please visit our website at www.onpitchperformingarts.com or follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
OPPA! exists to educate, entertain, and inspire children, adults and audiences with theatrical productions that range from musicals, plays, and new works; we train and support the next generation of theatre artists; we provide arts education programs that promote life-long learning; and we celebrate the power of theatre to bring together our community.