A Christmas Carol is a tale of an old, bitter miser, Ebenezer Scrooge, who goes through a profound experience of redemption over the course of one night. Mr. Scrooge is a moneychanger who has devoted his life to the accumulation of wealth. Everything else he holds in contempt, including friendship, love, and the Christmas season. His deceased business partner, Jacob Marley, visits him in the night and tells him that he will be visited by three spirits who will show him his past, present, and future. Mr. Scrooge's life changes as a result of these visits and he vows to become the man he could have always been: someone who loves others and gives to those around him.
Based on the book by Charles Dickens, this classic story is adapted for young performers by Ryan Hale Radebaugh. This production features youth actors ranging from 5-18 years of age. These students have been rehearsing for the past month and a half, learning choreography, blocking, characterization, accents, and team building.
Ryan Radebaugh directs this youth production of A Christmas Carol. The design team includes; Jenna King (Production Assistant), Linda Hale (Properties), Tami Crandall (Costumes), Bobby Swenson (Scenic Design), and Cody Hale (Music & Effects) Andy Keele (Lighting Design & Technical Operations.)
"Youth's A Christmas Carol" is made possible in part by the Orem City CARE Program.
Tickets: Children ($6); Adults ($8); Group Student Discounts Available.