Hale Center Theater Orem is producing a playful new adaptation of Jane Austen's beloved novel, Sense and Sensibility. The show follows the fortunes (and misfortunes) of the Dashwood sisters - sensible Elinor and hyper sensitive Marianne - after their father's sudden death leaves them financially destitute and socially vulnerable. Set in gossipy late 18th- century England, the play is full of humor, emotional depth, and creative staging.
"Sense and Sensibility" will run April 27 - June 2 nightly except Sundays at 7:30 PM with Saturday matinees at 3:00PM. 11:00 AM Saturday matinees are scheduled for May 12, 26, and June 2.
Hale Center Foundation for the Arts and Education is a not-for-profit performing arts center whose mission is to provide a high quality, intimate theatrical experience while maintaining affordable ticket prices; furnish an excellent venue for artists to express their talents and gain valuable experience; and invest in people by providing a positive place for children and adults to learn and perform.