The nation's oldest and most successful modern dance repertory company opens their 54th season of dance in Salt Lake City with a celebration of a vibrant human spirit in INSIDE OUTSIDE, October 3-5, 2019 at the Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center.
INSIDE OUTSIDE will open the Company's season of HERE & NOW. For the entire 2019-2020 season, RDT will continue to celebrate our diversity and our creativity as we explore the state of Utah's heritage, geography, and its people. Featuring five choreographers, INSIDE OUTSIDE explores patterns, structures, and technology to affirm a vibrant human spirit.RDT strives to keep historical works alive by performing works of modern dance's pioneers. INSIDE OUTSIDE brings to the stage the newest acquisition to the Company's repertory by one of the founders of modern dance, Doris Humphrey. Invention, choreographed in 1949, is a joyful trio featuring a man and two women. The dance embodies a vibrant energy and affirmation of the human spirit.
The final piece on the concert is the return of Filament by RDT alumnus, Andy Noble. Created in 2017 as the winning commission of REGALIA 2016, the piece is a multi-media work that creates a fresh, new world that marries movement, images and technology in such a way that dance is seen anew. After performing the premiere, LoveDanceMore reviewer Erica Womack stated, "FILAMENT, is a sentimental work, in contrast to the cold world often associated with technology... The ending is climactic in a way that is familiar, but like a well-loved and watched movie, it is impossible to turn away."
RDT spent the 2018-2019 season celebrating MANIFEST DIVERSITY. The 2019-2020 season will continue the celebration of diversity of our state both in heritage, geography, and our people. INSIDE OUTSIDE will kick off our 54th season with a combination of highly technical choreography, quirky invention, laced with rhythmic humor and deeply humanistic voices.Videos