In an attempt to get back into the movie business, Gavin Miller, a screenwriter-turned-professor, finds himself in an unorthodox collaboration with a student, Jeremiah Collins, possessing a unique past and who has an encyclopedic knowledge and love of classic cinema.
Meanwhile Gavin's wife Melanie struggles to put down roots and to define their evolving relationship as Gavin chases his dream and her nightmare. According To Goldman pits the lure of fame and celebrity against domestic tranquility. Featuring, Kevin Toole, Monique McKisson, and Marco Lemus
Performance dates are Fridays and Saturdays at 8p.m. September 6-29, 2019 and Sundays, 9/15, 9/2 and 9/29 at 4p.m. All tickets are $15 for all ages (no infants please) For more information or to make a reservation please call the theater at (916) 509-3445. Also see our website at for more information and directions to the theater. Theatre In The Heights is located at 8215 auburn Blvd., Suite G Citrus Heights, CA 95610 and seats 50.