A gripping, psychological drama, Dying City focuses on a confrontation between Kelly (Kail), a young therapist, and her late husband's identical twin brother, Peter. Set in New York City, within the confines of Kelly's living room, the play shifts back and forth in time as each brother enters and exits raising complex questions about a post-9/11 world. Deverman (reasons to be pretty) will play the twin brothers Craig and Peter. Dying City received its world premiere at The Royal Court Theatre in 2006 and was a Pulitzer Prize finalist in 2008.
The cast will feature popular bay area actors Chad Deverman and Lyndsy Kail. Capital Stage co-founder and producing director JoNathan Williams (Master Class, Dirty Story) will direct this Sacramento premiere. The design team includes Steve Decker (scenic), Rebecca Redmond (costumes), and Ron Madonia (lighting).
General tickets range from $20-$32. Discount tickets are available as follows: Preview Tickets are $18; Student Rush Tickets are $12; Senior Sunday Matinee Tickets are $26; and Group Rates are available for parties of 12 or more. Tickets are currently available at the Capital Stage Box Office, by phone at 916-995-5464 or online at www.capstage.org.
Photo Credit: Charr Crail
Lyndsy Kail and Chad Deverman
Chad Deverman and Lyndsy Kail
Chad Deverman and Lyndsy Kail
Chad Deverman and Lyndsy Kail