Love Letters, directed by Maggie Bush, is a story of Andrew, played by David Zarka and Melissa, played by Kate Hammontree Barba and Alisyn Gukarte, childhood friends whose lifelong correspondence begins with birthday party thank-you notes and summer camp postcards. Romantically attached, they continue to exchange letters through school, marriage, and a political career. Eventually Melissa and Andy become involved in a brief affair, but it is really too late for both of them. One last letter makes it eloquently clear how much they really meant, and gave to, each other over the years-physically apart, perhaps, but spiritually as close as only true lovers can be.
Imagination Theater has joined together with The Smith Flat House to bring you four nights of
Dinner Theater. February 9-10 and 16-17 at 7 pm. Tickets are$40 per person (beverages sold separately) Please contact The Smith Flat House for reservations 530-621-1003
Imagination Theater, located on the El Dorado County Fairgrounds, brings quality, live, local community theater to Placerville and El Dorado County.