Forbidden Broadway, New York's longest running musical comedy revue, opens January 27 at the Cosmopolitan Cabaret for a limited 8-week engagement through March 14. Parodying the beloved songs and characters from Broadway's biggest hits such as Wicked, Phantom of the Opera and Les Misérables, this show has been entertaining audiences all over the world by reinventing the lyrics to everyone's favorite show tunes.
Tickets for Forbidden Broadway are available now through the Wells Fargo Pavilion Box Office at 1419 H Street, by calling (916) 557-1999, or online at Single tickets start at $33, with special preview performances Jan. 25 and 26 at $25. Matinee performances are Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 2 p.m. Evening performances are Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7 p.m. and Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m.
No Broadway show is too sacred for Forbidden Broadway to satirize, including The Lion King, Fiddler on the Roof, Jersey Boys, Cats, Annie and Chicago. The 4-person cast of Forbidden Broadway includes Jessica Reiner–Harris, Melissa WolfKlain, Marc Ginsburg and Jerry Lee. The accompanist and musical director will be Graham Sobelman. Melissa WolfKlain was last seen at the Cabaret in Suds and A Grand Night for Singing.
The show will be directed by William Selby, who has had a long association with Forbidden Broadway as both actor and director. Having starred in the New York, Boston, Detroit, Salt Lake City, San Diego, Washington DC, Japan and Singapore companies, he has also directed productions all over the country and has been nominated for multiple awards for the show.
The Cosmopolitan Cabaret season is produced under the direction of Executive Producer Richard Lewis, Artistic Director Glenn Casale and Associate Producer Marlene Shire-Anderson.
All productions are performed at The Cosmopolitan Cabaret, 1000 K Street, an intimate 200-seat theatre venue where you can enjoy cocktails and refreshments during the show from the comfort of your seat.