Read City Theatre's full statement regarding canceled performances in the wake of Covid-19:
"Based on Governor Newsom's announcement on March 11 with guidance on small and large gatherings, Los Rios Community College District has effective immediately canceled all events that are larger than 250 people or where social distancing of six feet per person is not possible until further notice. It does include all athletic events, Harris Center and other performing arts shows, celebratory events and any other non-essential gatherings meeting the above criteria.
For City Theatre and the Theatre Arts Department at Sacramento City College this means canceling the final performances of Mr. Burns, a Post-Electric Play, March 12, 13, 14 and 15. All tickets purchased online will be automatically refunded. Patrons with questions can leave a message at 916-558-2228. Additionally, the last mainstage production of the season, The Tavern, and our theatre for children Storytime performances are canceled as well.
We would like to thank our talented casts, designers, crew members, and directors for all their hard work and perseverance during this difficult time. And, of course, we thank our patrons for their support. We look forward to the Sacramento Shakespeare Festival this summer and a complete season of live theatre beginning in the fall of 2020."Videos