Arden Playhouse will present Crumme's Capers Crossed, a hauntingly delightful Halloween adventure! Written and directed by Blake Flores and loosely based on Shakespeare's Love's Labors Lost, it tells the story of King Ferdinand's attempt to start an "academy" with his lords Biron and Dumain.
The plan is for all three to remain isolated for three years, to study without any distractions from the outside world. Unfortunately, the world won't leave them alone. Princess Sharon and Lord Boyet urgently need money from the King to save the Princess' father, and they go undercover to get it. At the same time, the King and his Lords are haunted by the villainous Duke Armado's plans for the revenge of his own father's untimely death. Add to that, the intervention of Lady Rosaline who is in disguise as a Page (and in turn as a peasant girl) and who may be working both sides. The King and Lords have their resolve tested as costumed characters, disguises, spirits and witches abound on All Hallows Eve in an all-ages story with a little Shakespearean flavor.Pictured: The mysterious Lady Rosaline (Alyssa Bedoya, left) and evil Duke Armado (D.L.Shields) try to hear what the dark spirit is telling Princess Sharon (Vanessa Voetsch) in the Arden Storytelling Adventure Crumme's Capers Crossed now playing at Arden Playhouse. Photo courtesy of Arden Playhouse/Blake Flores.