The mysterious Inspector Goole interrupts the wealthy Birling family's dinner party to investigate the suicide of a young, working-class woman earlier that evening. What has this got to do with the Birlings? One by one, they will find out, as their shattering, dark secrets are revealed.
Carolyn Schneider's brilliantly-colored set--which includes artwork by Bill Yates and Karen Fenley and an unusual settee conceived by the director-- forms the perfect background for Corrine Riley's graphic black and white costumes, giving a decidedly stark, otherworldly edge to this classic drama.
An Inspector Calls, sponsored by the Marilyn G. & Clayton C. Daley, Jr. Family Fund, opens with two preview performances on November 3rd and 4th and runs through December 11 at the Mendocino Theatre Company on Little Lake Road. Tickets are available online at or by phoning the box office, 707-937-4477.
Photo of Lily Fernandez and Nicholas Barrett by Larry R. Wagner