Based on the popular Disney animated film, THE LITTLE MERMAID tells the story of a beautiful young mermaid, Ariel, who longs to leave her home in a magical kingdom beneath the sea to live in the world above. THE LITTLE MERMAID will capture your heart with its timeless tale and irresistible score by eight-time Academy Award winner, Alan Menken, that includes the hit songs “Under the Sea,” “Kiss the Girl” and “Part of Your World”.
Show Schedule
Dec.19, 20, 27,Jan 2 & 3 at 8pm
Dec. 21,27, 28, Jan 3, 4 at 2pm
Special Performances
Dec 29 & 30 at 7pm with a family 4 pack discount.
Faith Healer
The Schoolhouse Theater (12/6 - 12/22) | ||
The Cher Show (Non-Equity)
Eisenhower Hall Theatre (3/2 - 3/2) | ||
Weird Al
Bethel Woods Center for the Arts (7/13 - 7/13) | ||
Avril Lavigne
Bethel Woods Center for the Arts (6/27 - 6/27) | ||
Peace, Love & Lights at Bethel Woods Center for the Arts
Bethel Woods Center for the Arts (11/29 - 12/29) | ||
Stella Cole
Emelin Theatre (2/7 - 2/7) | ||
The Gruffalo's Child
The Performing Arts Center, Purchase College (2/2 - 2/2) | ||
Love Songs of Broadway
Emelin Theatre (2/14 - 2/14) | ||
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