Chill Bucket Productions seeks original short film submissions for its first, interactive, virtual festival: The Below the Line Film Festival. Named for all the crew members and creatives who don't get the fancy billing and publicity that Hollywood is known for, the gaffers, the props department, the set dressers, the electricians, the animators, the PAs - all the people who make films happen every single day, Chill Bucket is proud to present The Below the Line Film Festival. Filmmaking is a community venture, we know that, and we believe all members of the community should be honored, thus our title. Submissions will be accepted through January 14, 2022 and selections will be streamed for the entire month of March 2022. Prizes will be awarded in the following categories: drama, comedy, documentary, LGBTQIA+, horror, youth filmmaker, and animated. Our judges are professionals with working experience in the film/television industry as producers, directors, writers, actors as well as various below the line crew positions. Cash prizes of $300 each will be given for a Judges Award and an Audience Award. All awards will be presented in April 2022.For more information on submitting a film, please visit Bucket Productions is a group dedicated to advancing classics and showcasing our history to inform our present, bringing issues and thought-provoking art to new and old audiences.
Experience Timeless Romance with The Duprees and The Classic Sounds at White Plains Performing Arts Center
White Plains Performing Arts Center (1/17 - 1/17) | ||
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Love Songs of Broadway
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Paul Taylor Dance Company
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The Duprees and Classic Sound at WPPAC
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