Caiola Productions has announced its latest effort in development to bring the story of the world's most expensive painting, the Salvator Mundi, to the stage as a new musical production.
The show will follow the story of how a shredded, scratched wooden panel painting of Jesus purchased for $1,100 in 2005, evolved to become the Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece (lost for over 500 years) titled Salvator Mundi that in 2017 was auctioned at Christie's Auction house for over 450 million dollars.
The show's producer describes Salvator Mundi! the Musical as a combination between the historical reportage of Hamilton with the fantasy and delight of Willy Wonka's golden ticket.
The five time Tony Award winning production company has tapped Broadway legend and nine time Tony Award winning producer Manny Azenberg as a consultant for the project.
Veteran writer, dramatist and creator of theatrical revues, Deborah Grace Winer is onboard to write the book. Caiola Production is planning to begin industry readings in early spring 2021, toward production sometime in 2022.