This enchanting musical tells the tale of Dorothy Gale (Devon Perry), who lives on a Kansas farm with her aunt and uncle and dreams of one day traveling "Over The Rainbow". One day, a tornado sweeps her house up into the sky and Dorothy and her little dog Toto suddenly find themselves in the magical Land of Oz! Dorothy joins Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion and they journey through the magical Land of Oz to meet the Wizard and obtain their hearts' desires.
The book was adapted by the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1987 from the original 1939 MGM movie, which won an Academy Award for the iconic song 'Over The Rainbow'. This musical features all the beloved songs from the Oscar-winning movie score; "Ding, Dong, The Witch Is Dead", "If I Only Had A Brain", "We're Off To See The Wizard", "The Merry Old Land Of Oz." and "If I Were King of the Forest".
This version of The Wizard Of Oz premiered in London in 1987 and opened in the United States in 1988 starring Cathy Rigby as Dorothy at the Long Beach Civic Light Opera in Long Beach, California. This version has become a very popular musical in the United States and has been touring since 2008. ?
Our Cast features Devon Perry as Dorothy, Ken Jennings as The Wizard of Oz, Tim Dolan as the Scarecrow, Jayson Elliott (Lion), Chris Kind as the Tin Man, Michelle Dawson as Glinda, the Good Witch, Nicole Tori as the Wicked Witch and Nadine Zahr as Auntie Em. Nigel the dog as Toto.The multi talented ensemble includes, Paul Aguirre, Esther Antoinne, Courtney Arango, Michael Dauer, Aubrey Mae Davis, Benjamin Dean, Graham Keen, Jimmy Larkin, Laura Macinski, Justine Magnusson, Megan Marod, Jesse Michels, Matthew Ranaudo and Matty Rickard.
The production is Directed by WBT favorite, Richard Stafford, who has been at the helm for many WBT productions including Mary Poppins, Guys & Dolls, Fiddler On The Roof, Can-Can, George M!, Hairspray, Beauty & the Beast, Gypsy, and Singin' in the Rain. The Choreographer is Jonathan Stahl who has Directed and choreographed several shows at WBT. The Musical Director is Bill Stanley.
Set Design is by Steven Loftus, Lighting Design is by Andrew Gmoser, Sound Design is by Mark Zuckerman, Costume Design is by Derek Lockwood, "Toto's" trainer will be Bill Berloni, John Moore will be the Fly Director. The Production Stage Manager is Victor Lukas, Properties are by Grumpy Props. As with all our productions,Lisa Tiso is the Associate Producer. .
Ticket Prices Dinner & Show range between $54.00 and $80.00 PLUS TAX depending on the performances chosen. Beverage Service & Gratuities are not included in the ticket price. Discounts are available for children, students, and senior citizens at selected performances. Also check the website for on-going Special Offers! More news at:
Show Times: Wednesday,Thursday & Saturday Matinees: Lunch: 11:30 am & Show 1 pm. Thursday & Friday, Evenings: Dinner: 6:30 pm & Show: 8 pm.
Sunday Matinees: Lunch: 12 pm & Show: 1:30 pm
Sunday Evenings: Dinner: 5:30 pm & Show: 7 pm.
Reservations: Call (914)-592-2222. Also at:
Group Reservations: Discounts for Groups of 20 or More: Call 592-2225.
Tim Dolan (scarecrow), Devon Perry (Dorothy), Michelle Dawson ( Glinda) Chris Kind (tin man), Jayson Elliott
Chris Kind (tin man), Jayson Elliott (lion), Devon Perry (Dorothy), Tim Dolan (scarecrow)
Nigel (as Toto), Devon Perry