The heartwarming documentary "Beautiful People," directed by Elzbieta Szoka, will be screened for one time only at The Schoolhouse Theater on Sunday, April 7, at 3 pm.
"Beautiful People" tells the story of New York's longest-running traditional Irish music group which gathers every Tuesday at Dempsey's Pub on Second Avenue in the East Village. The group ranges in age, ethnicity and skill and has grown to as large as fifty musicians on some nights. Through interviews of ten of the group's members, "Beautiful People" captures their spirit and passion, and highlights their diversity, as well as what draws them together in their shared love of making music. The filmed performances are so engrossing as to make the audience feel like regulars at Dempsey's.
After the screening of the film at T he Schoolhouse, the audience is invited to take part in a Talk Back with the film's producer and editor, Sam Adelman.
Tickets to "Beautiful People" are $10 and can be reserved by calling the box office at 914-277-8477. The Schoolhouse is located at 3 Owens Road, Croton Falls, NY, just off exit 8 on I-684. Visit the Schoolhouse on the web at or "Like" them on Facebook.