Aadyam Theatre's seventh season kicks off in Delhi with Atul Kumar's adaptation of Mark Haddon’s celebrated novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. Set in the bustling bylanes of Bandra, this immersive production follows 15-year-old Christopher as he seeks to solve the mystery of a dog’s death while navigating his own complex world. The cast features notable actors such as Dheer Hira, Jaimini Pathak, and Shivani Tanksale, bringing depth to this atypical thriller that explores themes of family and human connection. This three-show weekend at Kamani Auditorium promises to engage audiences with its unique blend of storytelling and physical performance.
Leather Talks
Leather Talks (11/11 - 11/11) | ||
PrepMed AITS
NEET Coaching Institute (1/19 - 1/20) | ||
Spoken Fest
Kommune (2/1 - 2/2) | ||
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