Based on the Oscar-winning DreamWorks Animation film, Shrek The Musical is a Tony Award-winning fairy tale adventure, featuring all new songs from Jeanine Tesori (Thoroughly Modern Millie; Caroline, or Change) and a sidesplitting book by David Lindsay-Abaire. Shrek brings all the beloved characters you know from the film to life on stage and proves there's more to the story than meets the ears."Once upon a time, there was a little ogre named Shrek...." And thus begins the tale of an unlikely hero who finds himself on a life-changing journey alongside a wisecracking Donkey and a feisty princess who resists her rescue. Throw in a short-tempered bad guy, a cookie with an attitude and over a dozen other fairy tale misfits, and you've got the kind of mess that calls for a real hero. Luckily, there's one on hand... and his name is Shrek.Shrek presents a treasure trove of creative opportunities, including costumes, sets, puppets (there is a fire-breathing dragon after all) and more! Irreverently fun for the whole family, Shrek proves that beauty is truly in the eye of the ogre. TO PURCHASE TICKETS ONLINE: please visit Make sure to visit our Facebook event page to let us know you're going! (Shrek the Musical, presented by J-DAPA). For any additional questions, please visit our website
Shrek: the Musical Cast List (J-DAPA)
Shrek - Kyle Buonfiglio
Fiona - Justina Mabray
Young Fiona - Cady Santo
Teen Fiona - Kenzee Silva
Donkey - Markus D’Ambra
Lord Farquaad - Nicholas Gallo
Pinocchio - Shania Fenton
Gingy/Sugar Plum Fairy/Bluebird - Amelia Akkaoui
Dragon - Aubrey Tellier
Dragon puppeteers - Alexis Guglielmo, Mike Mollicone, Brieanna Tellier, Patrick Leonard, Ashley Dilorenzo, Kylee Silva
Rat Tappers- Amelia Akkaoui, Nikki Aucone, Trinity Blondin, Kelly Dargy, Maya Ferreira, Ashley Dilorenzo, Alexis Guglielmo, Aubrey Jacavone, Isabella Ribezzo, Sophia Ribezzo, Brieanna Tellier
Duloc Dancers-Amelia Akkaoui,Trinity Blondin,Kelly Dargy,Ashley DiLorenzo,Maya Ferreira, Alexis Guglielmo, Aubrey Jacavone, Isabella Ribezzo, Sophia Ribezzo, Brieanna Tellier
Farquaad’s Guards and Knights- Ashlyn Banno, Jamie Conti, Matthew Eisemann, Kebba Gaye, Zach Hanna, Kenzee Silva, Kylee Silva, Mike Silva
Captain of the Guards - Mackenzie Hanna
Duloc Greeter - Mike Mollicone
Pied Piper - Alessandra Pesare
Thelonius - Patrick Leonard
Young Shrek - Isabella Cagnon
Mama Ogre - Ne’Vaeh Haworth
Papa Ogre - Patrick Leonard
King Harold - Matthew Eisemann
Queen Lillian - Shannon Hartley
Dragons Prisoners- Ashlyn Banno, Matthew Eisemann, Kebba Gaye, Trinity Blondin, Mike Silva
Villagers/Happy People - Jaimie Conti, Ashley DiLorenzo, Kebba Gaye, Mackenzie Hanna, Zachary Hanna, Isabella Nunes, Mike Silva, Desiree Vani, Gabby Pascale, Nicki Aucone
Bishop - Mike Silva
Peter Pan - Isabella Ribezzo
Grumpy the Dwarf - Isabella Cagnon
Baby Bear - Lily Butler
Mama Bear - Alexis Guglielmo
Papa Bear - Patrick Leonard
Ugly Duckling - Brianna Tellier
3 Little Pigs - Ashlyn Banno, Trinity Blondin, Kylee Silva
Witch - Johnny Cagno
Fairy Godmother - Sophia Ribezzo
3 Blind Mice - Trinity Blondin, Kelly Dargy, Aubrey Jacavone
Little Red Riding Hood - Maya Ferreira
Tinkerbell - Isabella Nunes
Big Bad Wolf - Dave Banno
Humpty Dumpty - Brieanna Tellier
Mad Hatter - Alessandra Pesare
White Rabbit - Kelly Dargy
Elf - Aubrey Jacavone
Wedding Choir – Isabella Cagnon, Jaimie Conti, Ashley DiLorenzo, Shannon Hartley, Ne’Vaeh Haworth, Isabella Nunes, Isabella Cagnon, Mattthew Eisemann, Desiree Vani, Kebba Gaye
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