J.L. "Lynn" Singleton, President of the Providence Performing Arts Center (PPAC), is pleased to announce that the 2019 Annual Gala will include a performance of HAMILTON on Saturday, August 3 at 7P, followed by a post-show reception.
Contributions to the Annual Gala benefit PPAC's Community Outreach Initiative, including its newest program, Experience PPAC. This program provides every 10th grade student in Rhode Island with the opportunity to see a select touring Broadway performance at no cost to the students or their individual schools.
Gala tickets include prime seating to the Saturday, August 3 evening performance of HAMILTON, exclusive access to the post-show reception, and parking. Gala tickets are tax-deductible to the extent provided by the law. To learn more about PPAC's 2019 Annual Gala, please email PPAC's Director of Ticketing Donna Santos at dsantos@ppacri.org
Please note - single tickets to HAMILTON are not yet on sale. An on-sale date will be announced soon.
HAMILTON makes its premiere Providence engagement July 23 through August 11, 2019. In Providence, HAMILTON is part of the Taco/White Family Foundation Broadway Series.