"The Seven Secret Plays of Madam Caprice: a live music meta-theatrical adventure" will open Monday, May 11th, 2015 at Chopin Theater 1543 W. Division. The production runs Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00pm and Sundays at 4:00pm through June 21st. Tickets are $15-$30 and can be purchased at www.silenttheatre.com.
The Seven Secret Plays of Madame Caprice willed itself into existence through patience and chance mostly, and perhaps a dash of audacity. Inspired by a dreamt adventure, this blend of music and theatrical storytelling, this bubbling cauldron of creativity, has a metamorphic nature. Performers, musicians and even context change as the show grows more aware of itself, transcending its origins as it evolves.
This is the story of one Esteliana Caprice. She invites five outcasts to her abode atop Gooseberry Hill to help them find the tools necessary to navigate through life effortlessly. In this endeavor, they create seven plays varying in genre and aesthetic, underscored with live music and whimsy.
Some preserved account of this remains with the following: "I woke up from a dream in a place made of brick. It had a stage with a red velvet curtain and a train rolled by with a bell. I felt warm and alive! And you were there! You sat under a giant cartoonish sunflower, and people were watching you weep and laugh at the same time. And somewhere in the air, music existed inside tiny little floating proseco bubbles and when they got too close too the sun, they burst in joyful chimes and disappeared, and I disappeared with them! There was an air, quite theatrical about all of it! And with it, it carried the thrill of adventure..."
Silent Theatre seeks to provide opportunities for aesthetically awake moments through performance, music and art. These moments will play an essential part in the evolution of human consciousness, the understanding, acceptance and celebration among people, and the self awareness needed to discover an individual's purpose. We strive to do so by presenting all-inclusive and all-accessible art and by creating a universal language one gesture at a time.
The Seven Secret Plays of Madam Caprice features: Nicholas Dufloth, Lauren Fisher, Marcus Fittanto, Gillian Hastings, Elizabeth Krane, Phillip Max Lewis, Josie Nahas, Evan Sierminski and Kyla Loise Webb. Live Musical Accompaniment by: Chris Jett, David Ladon and David Taylor. Conceived and directed by: Tonika Todorova. Original Music by Gillian Hastings and David Taylor. Stage Manager: Marlana Carlson. Costume Designer: Diane Hamm. Production Management and Lighting Design by: Chloe Honeyman-Bloede. Set Design by: Jeremy Campbell. Cosmetic scenery by: Shannon Evans. Graphic Design by: Kzysztof Piotrowski and Rodolfo Palanco.
The company's inaugural production in 2005, LULU: a black and white silent play, toured coast to coast, and since then we have devised and presented many original works: Noir: a shot and a chaser, A Charlie Chaplin Christmas, KANE, The Thin Line: based on the prints of Warrington Colescott, The Wild Party/The Set-Up, Carnival Nocturne, A Christmas Carol: the silent bah-humbug, NOIR: city of big shoulders, ACME a (live) Action Cartoon with Music and Entertainment, A Silent Christmas Carol, and Nosferatu in addition to our open ended run of The Wild Party Variety Hour, currently in its 7th year. A montage of Silent Theatre's last 10 years available here.