Rhode Island Stage Ensemble, one of the Ocean State's premier community theater companies, is thrilled to present Oscar Wilde's uproarious comedy of manners. A cast of local performers will bring the show to life at the RISE Playhouse March 20-29, 2020.
In Victorian London, a pair of wily bachelors masquerade as respectable gentlemen to court the attentions of two well-dowried ladies. Gallant Jack and irreverent Algernon invent "Ernest" alter-egos to win the hearts of Cecily and Gwendolen, each of whom conveniently claims she'll only marry a man by that name. When all four arrive at Jack's country home on the same weekend, the men struggle to keep up with their stories as their plans go hilariously awry. With its witty wordplay, caustic commentary and blistering banter, Earnest is a riotously funny farce for the ages.
First-time director Rose Linnell will bring Wilde's "Trivial Comedy for Serious People" to life with an abundance of satirical wit, skewering the façade of social propriety and aristocratic hypocrisy.
Approximate Running Time: 2 hours.
$20 regular admission
$16 students, seniors, military
Available at the door at in advance at www.ristage.org