Trinity Rep continues its 2019-20 Season with the behind-the-scenes dramatic comedy Fade by Tanya Saracho. Directed by Tatyana-Marie Carlo, the show features guest artist Elia Saldana as Lucia, a Mexican-born novelist who just accepted her first job writing for television, where her ambition might make her betray everything she thought she valued. Opposite Saldana is resident acting company member Daniel Duque-Estrada as Abel, an ex-Marine working as a janitor at the station who has more to his story than meets the eye. Fade runs December 5, 2019 - January 5, 2020, with press opening on Monday, December 9 at 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $27. More information can be found at
Take a look at photos below!
Lucia is understandably nervous. It's day one at her first TV writing job. As a Mexican-born novelist, she may actually be the "diversity hire" she's heard whispers about. Uncertain whether she can make a place for herself in cutthroat Hollywood, at least she feels less alone when she meets Abel, the Latino janitor. They form a bond and share stories, but it turns out that what Lucia gains from their friendship is not what Abel expects in this witty dramatic comedy about class, integrity, and culture.
Photo Credit: Mark Turek
Elia Saldana and Daniel Duque-Estrada
Elia Saldana and Daniel Duque-Estrada
Elia Saldana and Daniel Duque-Estrada