Fading southern belle Blanche DuBois arrives unexpectedly on the doorstep of her sister, Stella, searching for solace from a life undermined by romantic delusions and the vicissitudes of life. But the sultry New Orleans summer proves too much for the former beauty whose brutish brother-in-law, Stanley, cruelly exposes Blanche's genteel façade and brings her last gasp at meaning to a tragic end. Winner of the 1947 Pulitzer Prize and a landmark of 20th-century theater, Tennessee Williams' A Street Car Named Desire remains an undisputed masterpiece and one of the most remarkable plays of our time.
"Blanche is the Everest of modern American drama, a peak of psychological complexity and emotional range." -The New Yorker
"In Streetcar Williams found images and rhythms that are still part of the way we think and feel and move." -Newsweek
Photo Credit: Peter Goldberg