MOZART'S MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR is coming to Rhode Island
Mozart's Magical Mystery Tour: A Play-within-a-Concert- is written and performed by Rhode Island College's Artist-in-Residence Judith Lynn Stillman, featuring Stillman and Friends from the Rhode Island Philharmonic Orchestra. Learn how to attend.
Review: & JULIET Rewrites a Classic in Rhode Island
& Juliet is a reimagining of the Romeo and Juliet story where — rather than kill herself —Juliet reconsiders her hasty relationship with Romeo, and instead goes off on an adventure with her friends. This show features the songs of Swedish super producer/ songwriter Max Martin, who may not be a known name to everyone, but who has been responsible for most of the most popular songs of the past 20 years including hits from Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys and Katy Perry.