Presented by KIRBY PERKINS CONSTRUCTION and in partnership with the Newport Art Museum,
GREGORY CREWDSON: BRIEF ENCOUNTERS will screen tonight, August 9, 2012, as part of newportFILM's 2012 Outdoor Sunset Series. Photographer Gregory Crewdson and Vogue Editor Dodie Kazanjian will introduce the film, and director Ben Shapiro will hold post-film Q&A. Check out stills from the film below!
Acclaimed photographer Gregory Crewdson doesn’t just “take” his images, he creates them, through elaborate days and weeks of invention, design, and set-up. The epic production of these movie-like images is both intensely personal and highly public: they begin in Crewdson’s deepest desires and memories, but come to life on streets and soundstages in the hills towns of Western Massachusetts. In his decade-long project “Beneath the Roses” he uses light, color and character to conjure arresting images, managing a crew of 60 amidst seemingly countless logistical and creative obstacles.
Filmed over a decade, beginning in 2000, Gregory Crewdson: Brief Encounters provides an unparalleled view of the moment of creation of his images. There is no specific backstory, no before-and-after to Gregory Crewdson’s images, simply the moment that lends itself to mystery and intrigue. Hundreds of movie lights combine with the setting sun in a perfect moment of illumination.
Rain Venue: Casino Theater, 9 Freebody Street. Otherwise, the screening takes place at the Newport Art Museum Lawn. The film begins at sunset (approx. 8:00pm). Donation: $5/person.
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