Based on the beloved 1946 film, this family friendly musical faithfully follows the familiar story of George Bailey's life from childhood dreams to midlife disappointments. After George wishes he had never been born, an angel is sent to earth to make his wish come true and we all take a journey to discover whether his time on earth has mattered at all. Cinematically scored, this musical adaptation breathes new life into a familiar story, while retaining the warmth, humor and pathos of the original. This holiday classic will be loved by devotees and newcomers alike.
Directed and staged by Producing Artistic Director Amiee Turner, with musical direction by John Jay Espino, who music directed previous OSTC productions of LES MISERABLES and The King and I, the cast includes Kevin Cirone of Woburn, Mass., and Melissa McKamie and Jef Canter of New York, who are all making their OSTC debuts in the roles of George Bailey, Mary Bailey, and the angel, Clarence. Peter Tedeschi of Woonsocket, who portrayed Alfred P. Doolittle in My Fair Lady last season, returns in the role of George's nemesis, Henry Potter and local favorite Tom Gleadow appears as Uncle Billy. Other local performers include Joshua Christensen of Warwick, Aaron Dore from Fairhaven, Jade Genga of East Greenwich, Taryn Mallard-Reid and Tobias Wilson of Providence, Kevin Killavey of Portsmouth, Brad Kirton of Coventry, Isabella Manchester and Staci Morin of Somerset, Molly Marks of Wakefield, Marion Markham of Westerly, Wesley Memery and Rudy Sanda of Cranston, Barry Pereira of Swansea, Kate Rocchio of Narragansett, Patrick Mark Saunders of East Providence and Stefani Wood of Riverside.