"I keep saying this is more like a town hall meeting than a play," said Kevin Broccoli, Epic Artistic Director, "The debate over Healthcare is still raging in this country, and with a Presidential election coming up, you see issues of the body becoming more and more prevalent. People are talking about reproductive rights, the death penalty, the right to die, and I think this show asks the right questions and then lets us answer them for ourselves. We'll be moving the audience throughout two different spaces that best suit the different pieces, and we're going to be hosting talkbacks every night with different guests. The show is a one-act, but I like to think that act two is the conversation that continues after the show is over, and so we want to help facilitate that."
Broccoli directs a cast that includes Joan Batting, Joann Bromley, Tammy Brown, Kerry Giorgi, Rico Lanni, Justin Pimentel, Jason Quinn, Melanie Stone.