Harper Lee's coming-of-age classic remains one of the most beloved and influential stories of our time. The adventures of Scout, Jem and Atticus Finch are at once an epic saga brimming with stark lessons of tolerance and quiet heroism, and a simple story of love, hope and family. Imaginatively dramatized by Christopher Sergel,To Kill a Mockingbird is the perfect way for your family to celebrate the spirit of the holidays.
Tickets Now Available
Sunday, December 20 @ 7PM
Saturday, January 2 @ 8PM
Sunday, January 3 @ 3PM
Sunday, January 3 @ 7PM
To Purchase Tickets: call the Box Office (401) 247-4200
web: 2ndStoryTheatre.com
email: boxoffice@2ndStoryTheatre.com
location: 28 Market Street, Warren, RI 02885
mailing address: PO Box 294, Warren, RI 02885