Due to an unprecedented sell-out, 2nd Story Theatre extends its holiday show, "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. Dramatized by Christopher Sergel and directed by Mark Peckham, this American classic is extended through January 3, 2010.
Performances run Thursday - Saturday evenings at 8:00pm; Sunday matinees at 3:00pm. Additional matinees include Saturday December 12 and Saturday December 19 at 2:00pm. Ticket price is $25. There is no performance on Thursday November 26. 2nd Story Theatre is located at 28 Market St., Warren, RI. For tickets, visit the Box Office, call 401-247-4200 or email boxoffice@2ndStoryTheatre.com. The Café at 2nd Story is open on all performances dates for dining. Call the Box Office for reservations.Visit the website at www.2ndStoryTheatre.com for more information. 2nd Story Theatre is a fully accessible venue.