Review: Bearing Witness: SOMEONE WILL REMEMBER US at Trinity Rep
Bearing Witness: SOMEONE WILL REMEMBER US at Trinity Rep. A searing, deeply human world premiere that gives voice to veterans, civilians, and refugees. We go to the theatre for many reasons. Sometimes, we crave the spectacle of a Broadway musical; sometimes, we seek the grip of a powerful drama.
‘69-'96: A CLOSER LOOK AT A HOUSE IN COMMON Premiering In Newport
Center Aquidneck is presenting ‘69-'96: A Closer Look at a House in Common on March 1, 2, 8, 9, 2025. This inventive house tour invites the public to experience one Newport house as remembered by three different families who lived there between 1969 and 1996.
Review: HANG at Burbage Theatre Company
We’re all familiar with the saying, “Less is more,” and that statement especially holds true for debbie tucker green’s intense drama, ‘hang,’ (deliberately spelled with lowercase letters) now at Burbage Theatre Company, in partnership with WomensWork Theatre Collaborative—because the less you know, the better, as intended by the playwright.