In his Broadway debut, McGregor is too cuddly as the snobbish Henry...Sam Gold...underlines this by having his cast join in singalongs of the pop songs Henry loves so much...This gimmick actually works because Henry is obsessed with the intersection of craft, emotion and entertainment...While 'The Real Thing' traffics in big ideas -- art, love, cynicism, fidelity -- the whole feels muted. This has partly to do with Stoppard's middle-of-the-roadness, and partly with McGregor's refusal to engage with Henry's darker side. Even Gyllenhaal's feline sexiness seems overly laid-back. Nixon, on the other hand, is a standout as the cool, collected Charlotte...The star...has a haughty, coiled energy, and things flag when she's offstage for most of Act 2. Were she to stick around a little more, the kettle may actually whistle.