...Frank Langella, one of the most magnetic theater actors of his generation...As you may have gathered, 'The Father' offers one of the most disorienting experiences in town. Yet, as directed by Doug Hughes, this Manhattan Theater Club production exudes a cool clarity that borders on the clinical...Donald Holder's expert lighting leans more toward institutional uniformity than creeping shadows - though every so often, it shifts in ways that make you wonder if your eyes aren't playing tricks on you...everyone seems rather puny, compared with Mr. Langella's André, which is the intention. Dementia is ugly, but it is also inherently tragic. That's what Shakespeare saw in King Lear (himself a precursor to the absurdist existential hero). Mr. Langella impressively played that role several years ago, but it's here, in a more prosaic context, that he nails the rage, pathos and cruelty behind that titanic part....