In this hilarious and outlandish story, the lives of six teenagers from a Canadian chamber choir are cut short in a freak accident aboard a roller coaster. When they awake in limbo, a mechanical fortune teller invites each to tell a story to win a prize like no other — the chance to return to life. This popular musical is a funny, moving look at what makes a life well-lived!
Romeo and Juliet (7/9/25-7/26/25)
Tooele Valley Theatre is at 4 Canyon Rd, Tooele, UT 84074, Tooele, UT.
Much Ado About Nothing (7/11/24-8/2/24)
Into the Woods (7/10/24-8/3/24)
Macbeth (6/8/23-6/24/23)
Arsenic and Old Lace (4/4/23-4/8/23)
Fun Home (3/31/22-4/2/22)
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