Once on This Island is a Caribbean-inspired musical that transforms the beloved fairy tale of The Little Mermaid into a vibrant and poignant narrative. Set on a tropical island, the story follows a young girl who is saved from a storm by four deities, each representing different elements of life. As she embarks on a journey of love and sacrifice, the production celebrates themes of hope and the resilience of the human spirit, all conveyed through infectious rhythms and melodies. This Tony Award-winning musical promises to inspire and entertain audiences with its rich storytelling and cultural depth.
Year | Category | |
1991 | Best Musical | |
2018 | Best Revival of a Musical | Winner |
The Trip to Bountiful (3/26/25-4/6/25)
Peter and the Starcatcher (6/11/25-6/22/25)
Waitress (8/6/25-8/24/25)
To Be Announced Musical Premiere (9/24/25-10/5/25)
Brothers in Arms (9/20/24-9/22/24)
The Eschatology of Terence McKenna (9/20/24-9/22/24)
Good Girl Gone Single (9/20/24-9/22/24)
Don Giovanni (Abridged!) (9/20/24-9/22/24)
Our Hues Are Enuff To Withstand The Storm: A Celebration of Black Womanhood (9/20/24-9/22/24)
7 Tales from 7 Voices: A Cary Playwrights' Forum Retrospective (9/20/24-9/22/24)
Hearts & Minds: A Guide to Relationships (9/20/24-9/22/24)
party robot (9/20/24-9/22/24)
The Standbys Present: Give My Regards to (off) Broadway (9/20/24-9/22/24)
Commedia For The People! (9/20/24-9/22/24)
Kimberly Akimbo
DPAC - Durham Performing Arts Center (4/29 - 5/4) | ||
The Bridges of Madison County
McGregor Hall (2/14 - 2/23) | ||
The Book of Mormon
DPAC - Durham Performing Arts Center (4/8 - 4/13) | ||
Murder on the Orient Express
Sweet Tea Shakespeare (1/23 - 2/9) | ||
C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters
Martin Marietta Center for the Performing Arts (2/15 - 2/15) | ||
The Wiz
DPAC (8/5 - 8/10) | ||
TR In Concert: Melvin Gray Jr – Dreaming Big
Theatre Raleigh (2/8 - 2/8) | ||
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