Detective Hercule Poirot, after being called from vacation to attend to a case, embarks on the famous Orient Express from Istanbul to London. However, after running into an old friend and finding the train sold out to a strange cast of characters, he prophesies that this journey will not be as smooth as he hopes it to be. The travelers aboard the Orient express wake up on the first morning aboard to a train stopped by snow and a brutal murder with no other suspects but themselves. Detective Poirot with his loyal friend Bouc must confront a British governess, a American secretary, a French conductor, a Russian princess, a Swedish missionary, a Hungarian Countess, a Minnesotan socialite, and a Scottish colonel to find out who is really behind the Murder on the Orient Express.
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Murder on the Orient Express (1/23/25-2/9/25)
Sweet Tea Shakespeare is at 301 Hay Street, Fayetteville , NC.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (5/1/21-6/1/21)
Much Ado About Nothing (4/22/21-5/9/21)
The Sea Voyage (3/26/21-3/28/21)
The Revenger’s Tragedy (1/30/21-1/30/21)
The Alchemist (1/23/21-1/23/21)
The Man Of Mode (1/15/21-1/15/21)
Knight’s Tale: Shakespeare’s The Two Noble Kinsmen (6/4/20-6/21/20)
A Midsummer Night's Dream (4/23/20-5/10/20)
Macbeth (1/2/20-1/26/20)
Raleigh Memorial Auditorium, Martin Marietta Center for the Arts (1/31 - 2/2) | ||
TR In Concert: Melvin Gray Jr – Dreaming Big
Theatre Raleigh (2/8 - 2/8) | ||
DPAC (3/18 - 3/23) | ||
Murder on the Orient Express
Sweet Tea Shakespeare (1/23 - 2/9) | ||
Something's Afoot
Studio 1 (2/28 - 3/9) | ||
TR In Concert: Seth Rudetsky – Divas by the Decade
Theatre Raleigh (2/14 - 2/14) | ||
A Chorus Line
Honest Pint Theatre Co. (2/13 - 2/23) | ||
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