The 53-minute show stars Broadway performers David Burnham (Wicked), Nita Whitaker (Ragtime) and musical director Mark Vogel.
"A Different Kind of Christmas," a virtual Christmas special by Broadway performers, now is available on YouTube for free.
The 53-minute show stars Broadway performers David Burnham (Wicked), Nita Whitaker (Ragtime) and musical director Mark Vogel. The show also features Michelle London (Wicked) and Connor Warren Smith who were Elsa and Olaf in Disneyland's Frozen, and the women's trio Lady Luck.
The show has tradition holiday songs ("Up On The Rooftop" and others); carols ("Silent NIght," "O Holy Night," and others); songs written especially for this show; the Christmas story, a sing-a-long and more.
The show also will be available next week on the Town of Garner and the Town of Wake Forest cable access channels.
Check out the video!