TheatreNOW Productions Announces Blue Velvet, the Musical Workshop to Premiere During Cucalorus Film Festival November 10-13, 2011
Inspired by the David Lynch cult classic, the creative team of Anthony Lawson, Bryan Putnam and producer, Alisa Harris, have conspired to recreate the sadistic, seedy, sexy and sometimes silly goings on in the underbelly of Lumberton, USA. This workshop of the musical-in-progress will feature the full score, songs and script in a bare bones presentation in order to garner feedback and whet the whistles of Blue Velvet fans everywhere. Be the first to check out this new noir musical inspired by one of Wilmington, NC's most iconic films.
WARNING: Adult themes, language and some nudity. 18+ recommended only.Bryan Putnam, who penned book music and lyrics for the award-winning musical The ToyMaker (NYMF '09, WVMTF '11, Richard Rodgers Award Finalist) and FringeNYC's Trouble in Shameland will be returning to the town where each of these musicals were conceived and premiered to pen the music and lyrics for the workshop of Blue Velvet, the musical, inspired by David Lynch's cult film classic and an official event of the 2011 Cucalorus Film Festival, November 10-13, 2011.Videos