The Warehouse PAC announces the upcoming productions of Garden Party and The Fantasticks.
Garden Party
The Adventures of Adam & Eve
a new play
Christian Hamilton
June 28th - July 5th
From the author of Reluctant Lovers,Garden Party is a comic tapestry that Chris Hamilton weaves together from Mark Twain's Diaries of Adam and Eve, George Bernard Shaw's Back to Methusaleh, John Milton's Paradise Lost, old nursery rhymes, medieval miracle plays and more! Hear Adam and Eve read from their diaries, meet God, see Cain and Abel as babies-- And try and figure out what those angels are doing... Perfect for all ages! Directed by Rachel Jeffreys. Featuring Lou Dalessandro, Amy Wada, Jim Esposito, Alan England, Dervin Gilbert, Aby Pagan, and Brad Tarr.
Tickets: $15
Seniors/Students/Groups: $10
Thursday - Saturday, June 28th - 30th: 8:00 pm
Sunday, July 1st: 2:00 pm
Tuesday, July 3rd: 8:00 pm
Wednesday, July 4th: 7:00 pm
Thursday, July 5th: 8:00 pm
Reservations: 704.619.0429
The Fantasticks a musical by Harvey Schmidt & Tom Jones
August 9th - 12th
A team of Cannon School students and alumni are remounting this classic, long-running musical after their successful run in 2009. Austin Larkin, Jacob Dailey, Kate Sherrill, Emily Daily, and Madeline Hurley, all of the original Cannon cast are coming back from various schools and colleges for a four-show only reunion! The Fantasticks tells the story of two deceptive fathers who stage a mock feud in order to trick their children into a forbidden love. The plot backfires and the story unfolds around how these lovers find their true destiny.
Tickets: $15
Seniors/Students/Groups: $10
Thursday - Saturday, August 9th - 11th: 8:00 pm
Sunday, August 12th: 2:00 pm
Reservations: 704.619.0429